Sunday, February 12, 2012

One week old! And picture overload!!

We celebrated Cate's 1 week "birthday" by having a photo shoot at our house! Rigel Jackson from our ward is a spectacular photographer, and we were fortunate to be her models yesterday. Cate was a perfect angel (mostly!) and looked completely stunning in all the poses. I think Rigel got some fantastic shots! I can't wait to see them edited!!

We were able to come home from the hospital on Monday evening. My mom stayed with us until Friday and was an incredible help. Cate has been a great sleeper and eater this week! I love when she wakes up in the night and just wants to be cuddled. No problem, baby. We saw the pediatrician on Thursday morning, and she is perfect of course!

Cate has been an incredible blessing in our lives! Chris and I love each other more than ever before (which is saying a lot!!), and we can't get enough of our precious baby girl. We haven't gotten a whole lot of sleep, but so far it hasn't been the burden everyone said it would be. We'll see how it goes when Chris goes back to school and work!

I can't stop taking pictures of my tiny beauty. She makes the cutest faces and is such a sweet, wonderful girl, and I don't want to forget anything!!! Here are my favorite shots from this week.

Going home from the hospital!!

Don't worry baby doesn't sleep in this toy-filled crib. She's in a bassinet for now so the crib is storage!

On the way to her first doctor's appointment.

First sponge bath at home. She didn't hate it! After the initial shock she seemed to really enjoy it!

I am in love.


  1. so excited for you too! And excited for the new blog to follow! She is such a cutie-patutie. :)

  2. The one after the sponge bath, her face looks like: "Oh dear you've caught me naked!"
